What is Resilience Coaching?

Have life events left you feeling stuck, overwhelmed, over- responsible or insecure? Resilience Coaching can transition you from surviving to thriving.

About Sherry...

Sherry is a transformational life coach with 18 years’ experience.  She is certified in Cognitive, Instructional, Executive, Resilience and Equine-Assisted Coaching. She has coached teachers, administrators, and executives in a variety of settings. Following her retirement, 6 years ago, individual coaching became her focus. Quite the resilient overcomer herself, having endured tragic losses, generational addiction, abuse, betrayal, and abandonment. Allow Sherry to use her life lessons as well as a multitude of research – based strategies to teach you how to rewrite your narrative and reclaim your confidence and empowerment. She offers private coaching as well as guided topical workshops, and retreats. Residing in Greenville, SC enables her easy access to local or distance coaching. Contact Sherry to learn how you too can bounce back from challenges and move from surviving to thriving.

How can Sherry best meet your needs?

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